Month: November 2019

Teaching Your Children How to Be Compassionate

In the past few years, bullying has taken center stage as a major problem among our youth. Be it physical bullying in schools or psychological intimidation on social media, this has caused parents, educators, and policy-makers to stand up and take notice.

All of the “zero tolerance” policies in the world, though, will have no impact on children and their behavior unless we begin to teach our kids how to be more compassionate. We have to be able to see our actions and behaviors through the lens of someone else so that we can see how those actions impact others.

Here, then, are ways you can help your child show more sympathy and empathy towards others:

  1. Lead by Example — The first thing you need to do is to show your child how to be compassionate with your own words and actions. Speak kindly and sympathetically of others and try not to be abrasive or critical of others in conversation (at least not within earshot of the kids). Also, show compassion to others in your everyday actions. This can be just as simple as teaching your child to look others in the eye and say “Hello” as they walk by. This teaches them to see others as people deserving of respect, an important step towards compassion.


  1. Volunteer — Another important step in demonstrating compassion yourself is to volunteer your time helping others. Most people think of this as volunteering at soup kitchens and, while that is a great way to help others, you can also do this in smaller stages such as helping a neighbor with lawn work or tutoring kids after school. Your children should see that you are compassionate towards others so they can then turn this into their own actions. You can also introduce them to charitable organizations that seek to help others who are less fortunate, such as Meals-on-Wheels or those who are sick, such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


  1. Get a Pet — One of the big reasons many people suggest getting a pet is because they can teach your child lessons that will stay with them for their whole lives. If your child has to clean up after, feed, and walk a pet, they learn to care for something besides themselves, a key component in compassion. If you are worried about making a major commitment with a cat or dog, start with something small like a fish.

If the people of the world could learn to be more compassionate, then a lot of our problems would actually fix themselves. But none of this will become a reality until we take the step to teach this to our children and the younger generations.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Showing Gratitude for Your Living Space

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and that means millions of people will be sitting around dinner tables to share what they are thankful for this past year. Many will speak of friends, family, and co-workers who have positively impacted their lives in 2019.

But one area you should also be grateful for is your living space—be it a home, apartment, or wherever you hang your metaphorical hat. This Thanksgiving, take the time to show your gratitude for your home by treating it a little nicer. This will not only improve the feelings in your home but also help you feel more at rest and peaceful when you walk into it.

  1. Choose one big project to complete — “Big” project in this case can be a relative term. Just choose one thing that you can do a deep cleaning of to help make your home feel like a better place. This can be something small like cleaning out the refrigerator and freezer or even just a shelf or two in the pantry. Or it can be a complete deep clean of the entire kitchen or bathroom. You can go out and do something that feels truly massive—like cleaning out the garage or attic storage or finally finishing that deck you’ve been wanting for years. Or it can be something as small as sweeping out the entryway, clearing away the cobwebs, and adding a new welcome mat.


  1. Liven up the house — Another thing that you can do is appeal to two huge senses—that of sight and smell. Bring fresh flowers into your home to not only beautify the house visually, but also add some wonderful aromas to your living space. You can also add new air fresheners in each of your main rooms to help give the air a cleaner, fresher smell.


  1. Add an accessory — Another way to liven up your house and show your gratitude towards it is to add one new accessory to your home. This can be a small piece of furniture like an end table—antique stores would be a great place to look for these. Or it can also be as simple as a new throw rug or runner in your entryway, a new lamp for the den, or even just a new tablecloth for the dining room table.


  1. Rearrange and redecorate — Liven things up in your home by choosing one room to rearrange. This could be a small thing, like rearranging the layout of your den or bedroom by moving a few pieces of furniture. Or it can be a total redecoration with new paint and pictures to grace your walls. Whichever you choose, you will see an improvement in your home and your feelings toward it.

This Thanksgiving you should really take just a little bit of time to show your love and gratitude for your living space. By doing so, you can improve your feelings of happiness and joy each and every day.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Prepping Your Household for the Holidays

Just like the certainty of death and taxes, the impending arrival of the holiday season is upon us. While many people dread this time of year because of the stress associated with it, it should be a time of celebration and communing with friends and family.

In order to truly enjoy this season without being stressed out, it’s important to get your household in check before the holiday gatherings begin.

Here’s how you can do everything for the holidays while still maintaining your sanity:

  1. Make a list…check it twice — The first thing you need to do is take an inventory of your home and look for the areas that need to be worked on. You don’t need to clean and overhaul every single aspect of your house. Just focus on those areas that need the work and organization before your guests arrive. This would include high-traffic areas that your guests will be visiting, such as the living room, den, dining room, kitchen, and guest bathrooms (and bedrooms if you plan on having overnight guests). Areas like the garage and master suite can probably be put on the back burner until spring cleaning comes around.


  1. Go room by room — Once you have an idea of what needs to be tackled, then you should go room by room and take care of cutting out the clutter before you move on to the next room. If you have kids, this is the perfect time to clean out all those unused and/or broken toys before Santa brings a fresh load of stuff. An important thing to teach your child is the importance of generosity during this time of year, so be sure to get them to donate their old toys and clothes to those less fortunate.


  1. Clean before you decorate — It doesn’t make sense to put up your giant tree and decorations and then try to clean around it. Instead, get everything cleaned thoroughly before you decorate. This includes getting rid of all the dust, vacuuming, and wiping down walls and baseboards. Sure, these items may not be visible when the decorations are up, but you will have peace of mind knowing that it has been taken care of.


  1. Delegate — The holidays come with a whole extra level of cleaning and daily pickup to keep your house looking great for your guests. Don’t try to do all of this alone. Instead, delegate the jobs to all of the members of your household so that you don’t get burned out doing it all. A chore list just for the holiday season is a great idea for staying organized.

One of the biggest things to remember is that a clean home may be important during your holiday season, but it is not the most important part of the holiday. If you spend so much time stressing about cleaning up, then you won’t be able to actually sit back and enjoy time with your friends and family. That is the truly best part of the holidays and one that you don’t want to skimp on just to keep your house clean.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

How Kindness & Compassion Will Improve Your Life

Kindness and compassion are two of the defining characteristics that make us a part of humanity as a whole. It’s actually a natural instinct among people, but some repress this feeling or ignore it because they are not mindful of the world around them.

It is the ability to acknowledge those around you, recognize their needs, commiserate with them, and even to show them compassion and sympathy when needed. But compassion can go beyond helping others—it can also benefit you as well.

  1. Kindness can improve your health — Showing kindness and compassion can help improve your physical and mental health by lowering your stress levels, anxiety, and depression. When you perform an act of kindness, it gives you a positive feeling that translates into these healthy benefits. But it goes beyond that. When your stress and anxiety levels decrease, you can actually see a similar decrease in high blood pressure and an overall improvement in your ability to fight off diseases with a boost to your immunities.


  1. Kindness can improve your personal happiness — One of the biggest benefits is that being kind helps you to feel happier in general. When you are focused on nothing but negativity around you, you tend to fall into a cycle of cynicism and depression. By breaking this cycle to show compassion to your fellow human beings, you are giving yourself a boost to your personal well-being.


  1. Kindness allows you to expand your perspective — By showing kindness to others, you are allowing yourself to see the world from that person’s perspective. As Atticus Finch said in To Kill a Mockingbird, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Showing compassion lets you do that in a real world setting so that you can understand what the other person is feeling.


  1. Kindness can improve the world around you — It may seem like a cliché, but kindness is contagious. If you show others an act of kindness or compassion, they and those around you are more likely to “pay it forward” and share that same action with others. When this happens, you actually help make the world a better place. And who doesn’t want to make the world a little bit better?

Kindness and compassion are two very important traits that need to be cultivated as much as possible. It may sound like a naïve proposition, but if everyone could just go out of their way to be a little kinder, the world would be a better place to live in.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.