Halloween Safety Advice for Families

It’s a blast to celebrate Halloween, but it comes with some risks. Here are some tips to keep your child safe during Halloween without putting a damper on the fun!

Prepare for Weather

When choosing a Halloween costume for your child, you need to consider more than what they like. You should take safety and weather into consideration, especially if you live in a cooler climate. Layering a Halloween costume can be just as effective as layering regular clothes. Most costumes can be worn with long-sleeved shirts, leggings, or long underwear underneath.

Costume Safety

Also, make sure costumes are properly ventilated, that any sort of paint/make-up is non-toxic, and that movement is not inhibited so children can react quickly, if needed. To be extra safe, ensure that costumes are made with fire-resistant fabrics and that there are no strangulation risks.

Trick or Treating Time

Your child will be excited and will forget, but get across the importance of watching for vehicles, be aware of strangers, and paying attention to any dangers that may be harder to see in the dark (like holes, animals, and tripping hazards). Stay in familiar areas that are well-lit and have dedicated walking spaces.

It is twice as likely for a child to be hit and killed by a car on Halloween than any other day of the year. If your child is walking at night, make sure they are visible to cars by using reflective tape and glow sticks. Make sure they have flashlights to carry.

When to Go Solo?

When it comes to trick-or-treating, letting your child go without you is quite a big deal. Though it’s safer to go with your child, even if you stay back on the sidewalk, many teens and pre-teens wish to go out alone.

Parents often let their kids go out with their friends at 10-13 years old, but it is important to consider many factors before making a final decision.

  • How would you describe your neighborhood? What do you know about your neighbors? How many other families will be there? Are there primarily people you know, or will there also be strangers?
  • What is the traffic like near your home? How well-lit are the streets and sidewalks in your neighborhood?
  • In case of an emergency, can your child reach you through a cell phone? Does the phone’s GPS allow you to track them? Are they familiar with 911?
  • What is the maturity level of your child? How well do they follow the rules and keep their commitments? When was the last time they spent the night alone at home or did they venture out with friends on short excursions? Is their behavior appropriate without your guidance?
  • Is your child familiar enough with the area to avoid getting lost? Is your child aware of what to do in case they become lost? What if they are separated from the group? Do they understand not to go into a stranger’s home or accept an invite to get into a group from an unknown person? Is there a plan for access to a bathroom in an emergency?

Trick-or-treating is a fun tradition for kids, but costumes and traffic safety are crucial. It is important to follow these tips to ensure everyone has a safe and happy holiday.



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halloween, parenting