Autumn Home Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

We are now at the end of summer. It’s time to start thinking about autumn home care now that the days are shorter and the weather is cooler. Although some autumn home tips are obvious, such as bringing in outdoor furniture, raking the leaves, and removing air conditioner window units, many go unnoticed. Making a seasonal home maintenance checklist is one way to ensure nothing falls through the cracks this season.

Here are some things to go on that list:

Air Quality

Air filters for your home’s cooling system should be changed as frequently as twice a year to every 30 days, depending on the type.  By replacing your furnace or air-handler filter regularly, you can keep your system running smoothly.  Having a dirty filter restricts airflow and will make your cooling system work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home.

An overworked system equates to a higher utility bill for you and a higher probability of repair work down the road. Furthermore, bacteria and mold can grow on unchanged air filters.

Gut the Gutters

Make sure fallen leaves and debris are removed from all drainage areas. If you want to minimize this work, consider investing in gutter guards.

Roof Inspection

Winter is an off-season for roof repair so autumn is your last opportunity to check your roof for needed maintenance or repairs. Make sure your roof is checked for wear and tear by a professional roofing company.  In the event that the shingles are curling, buckling, or cracking, they need to be replaced. You should also check the flashing around chimneys, skylights, and pipes. If there are any gaps or leaks, ice and heavy snow will find their way in.

Safety First

The fall is the perfect time to check your smoke and CO detectors. With heaters running, windows closed, and portable heaters humming, it’s a great time to check them. The batteries in smoke detectors have a 10-year life expectancy, and carbon monoxide detectors have a six-year life expectancy.

These are all important but it’s not an all-encompassing list. Check out these checklists to create your own autumn home maintenance to-do list.

Allstate’s Autumn Home Maintenance
Houzz’s Fall Maintenance Checklist’s Fall Home Maintenance Checklist



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