Month: February 2020

Creating the Perfect Master Bedroom Closet

If you are like me, you probably remember having a master bedroom closet that barely contained anything. It was one small area, maybe 3 feet wide and two feet deep, that had room for a rack of clothes and maybe a hamper or a suitcase on the bottom and a small shelf on the top.

Today, master bedroom closets have become works of art and rooms unto themselves. If you are looking to do some design work and spruce up your master bedroom closet, then here are some ideas that can get you started and thinking about what will work for you.


Before you do anything else, think about what you want in a closet—literally. What do you need to store in that closet and how do you want to display it? Space is a huge issue in homes and your closet is defined by just what you need it for. If all you want is a place to hang up your clothes, then a simple closet like I previously mentioned might actually be fine. But, if you are more interested in how you display your apparel, then a larger space is needed. This may be because you have more clothes to store, or more types of clothes that you want to organize. It may also mean that you like to display your clothes so that you can choose your clothes for the next day. The closet might also need to store items like your vacuum or personal items like private documents. This type of storage is important for some, but others may not need it. So decide what it is that you want most.


Something else that you should consider is that size isn’t always necessary for a functional master suite closet. Many home good stores sell organizing shelving and other utilities for displaying clothes in cramped spaces. Additionally, you can add something like an ottoman or a small chest at the bottom of the closet to give you more storage in that area. Finally, if you like taking your time and trying on outfits before settling on one, you can add a dressing area simply by putting a long mirror on the back of the door. Simple fixes like this are cheaper than spending thousands on a home refurbishment.

Decorating Your Closet

If you really want to spruce up your closet, consider doing a little decorating. Choose a light, airy color that will contrast nicely with the paint in your master bedroom. You can also hang some pictures on the wall just to provide a more personal touch. Another great idea would be to use wall quotes to give you inspiration as you get ready for work in the morning.

Your closet does not have to be that forgotten hole in your bedroom where you dump your clothes. It can be a functional and integral part of your living space with just a little work and creativity.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Easy Self-Care Routines for Busy Moms

If you’re a mom, then you know just how selfless the job can be. Time can seem like a commodity just as important as money or credit.

But most moms also know that they have a tendency to spend their time on others—balancing family, career, volunteering, and the dozen other myriad activities that make up our day.

What usually gets lost by the wayside is time for yourself. And this can be very dangerous. If you don’t take time to care for yourself, then you’re at risk of running yourself so ragged you can’t take part in the activities you are needed for.

That’s why you need to implement these self-care routines to improve your overall health and well-being:

  • First, let’s talk about self-care for the body. You must stay active if you are going to keep yourself going. Unfortunately, active doesn’t mean bouncing out of the minivan to pick up a Starbucks coffee in between work and dropping off the kids at sports practice. Spend some time each week to just do some kind of physical activity. After you drop off the kids at practice, take a walk around the field or the block. Spend an hour each week practicing yoga. Or you can just spend time at home, outside, doing something physical and a little Zen like working in the yard or tending to a garden.
  • Next, you also need to keep your mind engaged. Studies have shown that incorporating good habits to keep yourself mentally aware can stave off diseases later in life like dementia. So for now, spend a few minutes each night before bed reading something for yourself or quietly meditating. You can also start keeping a journal to document your ideas and feelings. If you are artistic, drawing or painting classes might help out. (If you aren’t artistic, but wish you were, pick up an adult coloring book that are at every bookstore.) Take some time to work on a jigsaw puzzle or play a board game. (This one’s easy to do because you can get the kids involved.)
  • Finally, do something nice for yourself regularly that can help you on a personal or spiritual level. Take a class where you can meet new people and experience new things. Have a girl’s night out once a month to just unwind and relax and socialize. Or you can even just set aside an hour each week for a nice long relaxing bubble bath. All of these can help you cleanse the spirit and rejuvenate you for the rest of the week.

Moms have a rough job, but a rewarding one. But you aren’t good to anyone if you let yourself get worn down by doing too much. Take care of yourself as well as your family and you will be better as a mom in the long run.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Honoring Valentine’s Day With or Without a Partner

Outside of Christmas, Valentine’s Day may be the most stress-inducing holiday of the year. For those who are in a relationship, the pressure to be “super romantic” and to hit all the right notes on that day is almost like it will be a test of your love.

For those who don’t have a partner, Valentine’s Day can be a painful reminder of that loneliness and isolation. With that in mind, here are some ways that you can honor the holiday with love and kindness without the stress or sadness that may sometimes be associated with it.

  • Before we even begin, let’s dispel one huge myth about Valentine’s Day. This day is not meant to be a test of whether or not you love your partner. If your partner truly tries to place a value on your love based on what you get them for Valentine’s Day, or whether you are romantic, or where you take them for dinner, then maybe you are not in a healthy relationship to begin with. It is also not a test of whether you are desirable as a person if you do not have a partner on Valentine’s Day. Try to take the stress out of this, which you can do with our next step.
  • The next thing you need to do is gain some perspective on what the day means. Just like with Christmas, marketers have latched onto this holiday as a means of commercializing it for more money. (Don’t believe me? Two days before Christmas, our local “big box superstore” moved all of the Christmas candy and merchandise to the clearance aisles and began stocking Valentine’s cards and candy.) So use this time to talk with your partner about what the day truly means to you. Communicate with him or her about how you would like to celebrate this holiday together and what would be the best reflection of your love.
  • If you are not in a relationship, it may seem like you have no one to love. But that is never true. On Valentine’s Day, organize a counter-Valentine’s dinner with your single friends where you can share in the love of your friendship. If you are divorced or widowed, then you can still connect with your children or family members. Make this day a celebration of LOVE in all of its aspects, not just romantic love.

This Valentine’s Day, remember that love is what the holiday is all about. But love is not reflected in commercial goods or dinners. Love is not just about romance and desire. Love should be enjoyed and appreciated in all of its forms for a healthier holiday.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Picking the Right Rug for Your Home

It seems to be a cliché of interior design—the right area rug can actually tie a whole room together and allow you to complete the room in a way you couldn’t before.

In many ways, this is totally true. What is worse is that the wrong type of rug can have the opposite effect and totally destroy any sense of unity or flow. This is why it is so important to take your time and find the area rug that is right for you.

You need to look at four areas when you’re picking out the right rug:

  1. First, you want to find the right size for your area rug. Too many people try to buy area rugs that take up most, if not all, of the room. This isn’t the right idea. It’s not for carpeting after all; it’s an accent and cover for the carpet. Instead, measure out the seating area for the room. In a living room or den, it may not be convenient to place all of the furniture completely on the rug. But the coffee table should be able to fit squarely in the center and the surrounding couches and chairs should have their front legs resting on the rug.


  1. Next, think about the shape that will best compliment your environment. If your room or the sitting area is square, then you can choose a square rug. But also consider a round one that can offset the room perfectly. If the sitting area is more rectangular, then choose a rectangular rug. (A square or circular one here will look off-kilter.) If you get a rectangular rug, make sure that you place it in the same direction as the flow of the room.


  1. Once you have the right size and shape, you will want to look at the texture of your rug. If you have a consistent texture style for all of your furniture, you may wish to pick something complimentary as your rug texture. If you have leather furniture, for example, it will look great with a fluffy area rug that it can kind of sink into. However, keep in mind that such a rug might be a tripping hazard for the elderly and little kids. Pick the texture that is right for you and don’t feel like you have to go with the basic wool that you see with most rugs.


  1. Finally, let’s talk color. If your furniture and décor are neutral or earth tones, you may want a rug that provides a pop of color. By contrast, bright furniture works well with neutral colored rugs. You don’t want a rug that just blends in with the carpeting and furniture. Instead, you want something that stands out distinctly.

Today, area rugs can actually be a big investment of money. They may not cost as much as full carpeting, but they aren’t cheap. Because of this, you should look to buy a rug that truly fits your room and your style so that you can create the area that you love.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.