Embracing Hygge with Your Family This Winter

I love different languages and the way some cultures have one word that is almost impossible to translate but can sum up a series of emotions perfectly. One of those is the Danish word “hygge” (pronounced “hoo-ga”).

This beautiful word is meant to express the feeling of a cozy winter centered around family and friends and enjoying each moment of life. If there’s one concept that I can get behind, it’s that.

So here are some ways that you and your family can embrace hygge this winter:

  • Enjoy a hot beverage together — On The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon was always offering someone who needed comfort a “hot beverage.” But this winter, embrace hygge by sharing a hot beverage with your loved ones. If you can, make it a family affair with your kids making real homemade hot chocolate (with a little dash of chili if you want an extra kick to yours). If hot chocolate isn’t to your taste, brew up a real pot of coffee or tea and skip the instant stuff.
  • Make a quilt — What is winter if you can’t curl up under a good blanket and snuggle down and get comfy? This year, you can break out the old comfortable blankets and snuggle with family underneath them as you read a book, watch tv, or just talk. But another bonding activity that can be really useful right now would be quilting. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate pattern. But a simple quilt can bond you with your loved ones and keep you warm—it’s a win-win situation!
  • Take a candle-lit bath — One of the important parts of hygge is that you should not only connect with others, but that you should also be present in the moment and spend some time for yourself. Draw yourself a hot bath complete with your favorite bath salts or foaming bubbles and just relax. Add some ambiance with soft candlelight and gentle, relaxing music. If you are so inclined, bring a good book with you or you can just lay back and luxuriate.
  • Share memories — Another great way to connect with family while you are stuck indoors this winter is by looking back at old pictures together. Digital photos have killed the practice of scrapbooking and photo albums. But this is the perfect time to print out those favorite pictures and assemble a photo album of cherished memories that you can share with your loved ones.

After the holidays are over and the decorations are all put away, we still have a few more months of cold weather as we wait for spring. This year, spend this time with loved ones embracing the Danish concept of “hygge.”



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motherhood, parenting, winter