New Ways to Use Autumn Spices

Break out the nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon to celebrate fall. Prepare some hearty fall foods using the stronger spices and seasonings common to this season. Great for meals, tea, and desserts, these spices are popular this time of year because they are warm and savory.

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Showing Respect for Your Community

To make sure that the country, society, office, neighborhood, and family are civil and respectful, you must start at home with yourself. As a family, we want to make sure we are positive role models for our children, and that we do the right thing, not just the easy thing. The best way to showcase respect for others to our children is by role-modeling respect in our own lives.

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Autumn Home Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

We are now at the end of summer. It’s time to start thinking about autumn home care now that the days are shorter and the weather is cooler. Although some autumn home tips are obvious, such as bringing in outdoor furniture, raking the leaves, and removing air conditioner window units, many go unnoticed. Making a seasonal home maintenance checklist is one way to ensure nothing falls through the cracks this season.

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