Tag: motherhood

New Ways to Use Autumn Spices

Break out the nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon to celebrate fall. Prepare some hearty fall foods using the stronger spices and seasonings common to this season. Great for meals, tea, and desserts, these spices are popular this time of year because they are warm and savory.

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Ways to Make Trail Mix Fun

The healthy nature of trail mix, as well as its versatility, makes it a great snack. As our children head back to school, trail mix is not only a great option for camping and hiking – but is a great snack for the classroom as well.

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Back to School Tips for Moms

As the summer edges towards closure, the sound of backpack zippers and pencil sharpeners begins to fill the air. We all know the routines of back to school shopping, teacher meet and greets, and updating parent forms. The focus is almost 100% on the children as they prep for the upcoming school year.

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Tips for Moving with Children

Moving to a new home can be an exciting but challenging experience for children. Children often form strong bonds with their environment and may feel a sense of loss and insecurity when they leave the familiar surroundings of their home. As a parent, it’s essential to provide support and guidance to help your children cope with the change.

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Starting a Journaling Practice

Journaling is a way to record your thoughts, feelings and experiences. It can be a valuable tool for self-awareness that can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions. Journaling can also be a way to reflect on your life, making it easier to see patterns in the things that happen to you. Finally, it’s great for keeping track of progress as well as dealing with setbacks because there is always something new to write down!

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