Why You Should Make Improving Your Credit Score a Priority

The importance of a good credit score can’t be overstated. Your credit score is one of the most important measures of your financial health, and one of the easiest ways to judge how responsibly you use credit. For one thing, a good credit score is essential for buying a home or getting a mortgage. That’s because lenders use your credit score to decide whether to lend you money and under what terms.

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Reconnecting with Friends After the Kids Return to School

For many people, today’s world is starting to feel like it was pre-pandemic. But that’s not the case for everyone. Have you lost touch with some of your favorite people in the last two years? Do you miss the conversation, the laughs, the connection with other humans?

If the answer is yes, it’s time to reconnect with your pre-pandemic people.

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Tips for Upgrading Your Patio

There is immense value in having a beautiful and functional patio. It’s a place where you can relax, entertain guests, and enjoy the fresh air. If you’re looking to upgrade your patio, there are a few tips that can help you create the outdoor oasis of your dreams.

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Planning Your End of Summer Yard Sale

Summer is quickly coming to an end, and for many families, that means it’s time to start thinking about hosting a yard sale. Whether you’re trying to declutter your home or make some extra cash, a yard sale is a great way to get rid of unwanted items and connect with your community. As someone who has hosted many successful yard sales over the years, I have some tips to help you plan your end of summer yard sale.

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Enjoying Beach Time in Colorado This Summer

Colorado isn’t exactly known for its waterfront property. Our colorful state tends to lend more towards majestic peaks and rolling plains. However, being completely landlocked does not mean that we don’t have something to offer water lovers. While we can’t magically produce an ocean here, we have plenty of lakes and reservoirs to soothe those who enjoy basking in the sun on the beach.

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