Tag: home seller

Avoiding Home Buyer Red Flags When Selling

Even the best staging can’t hide everything when it comes to the home selling process. If you are looking to sell your home this year, here are some things that potential buyers are looking for (and hoping to avoid) that could impact whether or not they start the contract process for your home.

Here are our best tips for avoiding some of the ‘red flags’ that may turn off a potential buyer.

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Tips for Selling Your Home in Winter

When it comes to selling a home, most realtors will tell you that spring is king when it comes to the best time to sell. Spring listings always seem to move faster, and the better weather seems to be naturally set for open houses.

But you don’t always get to pick when you have to put your house on the market. If you’re putting your home up for sale during the winter, then you need to check out the following tips on how to sell your home faster.

4 Tips for Selling Your Home in Winter:

  • Let’s talk about decorations — First off, let’s address the elephant in the room. Is it acceptable to decorate your home for the holidays while you are trying to sell your home? Some realtors will say yes, and others will say no. But the reality lies somewhere in between.

    Yes, decorate your home. In fact, some realtors point out that the “homey” family quality goes a long way towards selling a home. But, don’t go overboard with lots of inflatables that block the view of the home. Instead, your decorations should be modest. Also, after the holidays have passed, make sure that you take all the decorations down. You don’t want to be that person who leaves them up year-round.

  • Lighten up — One reason why spring is sometimes preferred for home sales is that the sun doesn’t set until around 8:00, giving plenty of sunlight for people getting off work to check out the homes. During the winter, you don’t have this option since it probably starts getting dark around 5:30 or so. To help with this, set up outdoor floodlights that can help light up the property and show it off for people driving through the neighborhood.
  • Get comfy and cozy — When you’re staging the interior of your home, make sure to play up the coziness of the locale. Make sure you have your heater set at a comfortable temperature, but not so warm that it becomes stifling. If you have a fireplace, light it up and have lots of warm blankets and other touches visible to help set the stage for a comfortable home.
  • Get good outdoor pictures — When you are taking pictures for the online listing, you may think that your property looks great with a dusting of snow. While this may be true, it also may not be able to sell a home if all of your pictures show it covered in snow. Exterior pics should accentuate all the great selling points of your home and this is hard to do if the property is covered in snow and ice.

If you’re trying to sell your home this winter, it’s not a good idea to decorate it as bright as the Christmas Vacation home. But there are some tasteful, modest things you can do to help emphasize your home’s “cheery” qualities that make it feel like a great home for the holidays.



Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

When’s the Right Time to Sell Your Home?

There’s an old adage that the three most important words in real estate are “Location, location, location.” But maybe it’s time to add a fourth one to that mix—time. As in, when is the best time to try to sell your home? There are many different currents of thought that suggest the best time of year to list your house.

Here are aspects you need to consider for your specific house and market before making the decision on  when to sell your home:

Spring is Generally Best

The standard has generally been that spring is the best time to sell your home. During this time of year, people are out and more active now that the weather is getting warmer. As a result, you have more traffic going by to notice your house is for sale. Also, the weather is generally better which means it is easier to move. All of this adds up to a good combination which often leads to more sales. If you plan to put your home on the market during the spring, then it is a good idea to do repairs and touch-ups during the fall and winter to have it ready for the sales season.

Spring May Not Be Best

OK, you’re probably saying, isn’t this the exact opposite of what you just said. Yes, it is, but bear with me. Spring is usually packed with lots of people trying to sell their homes. Yes, you will get more foot traffic viewing your home, but you will also have A LOT of competition from other homeowners who are also following the old spring standard. Some studies have found that you may get more for your home if you try to sell in the winter (from November to March). This is because there are fewer homes on the market and those who are desperate to move don’t have a lot of negotiating room.

What About Summer and Fall?

Generally speaking, these have been slower times of the year for house sales. Depending on the weather in your area, summer is often too hot for people to want to get out and walk around properties. Also, people have other things going on like vacations and summer family activities. Similarly, fall is usually taken over by back-to-school activities. When you couple this with the sun going down earlier and the weather being rainy, then you can see why people don’t tend to go out to house shop during this time of year.

There are lots of different ideas as to when is the best time to sell your home. Ultimately, you need to find the date that works best with your market and your needs. Talk to your real estate agent to find the time that is perfect for you.



Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.
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