Tag: homeowner

When Should You Start Your Home Remodel?

Spring has always been a popular time to go on a major cleaning spree around the house. But what if you want to do more than just have a spring cleaning? When is the best time to do a major remodel of your home or property? Well, there is actually a system that can be followed.

Let’s look at the best season for each type of remodel so that you can make your plans for the coming year.

First Quarter (January to March)—Even though it can be numbingly cold during this time of year, the good news is that unless you live in a place that gets extreme snow, you will generally have good, solid ground that is relatively dry, as opposed to the spring when the rains come in.

Because of these conditions, it’s a good time to do additions on the house, such as a new sunroom or that man cave he’s always wanted. If you are adding a new room to the house, you can get the exterior work and frame done and then move on to doing the inside when the weather gets rainy in April.

This is also a good time to schedule a remodel because most construction companies don’t do a lot of work during this time. Since this is the “off season,” you can usually get a good deal from the company that is looking for some downtime work.

Second Quarter (April to June)—The weather is getting rainy and warmer, but this is also the #1 time of the year to build a new home. Because of this, construction companies and supplies will probably cost you a lot more. If you do want to do a spring remodel, consider a porch or patio since the ground will have thawed out enough to dig out the area.

Third Quarter (July to September)—The hottest time of the year means that your remodels need to move indoors to take advantage of your home’s air conditioning. Because of this, you will do well to complete an inside renovation such as a bathroom or kitchen remodel.

If you do need to do something outdoors, most construction companies will focus on roofing jobs because of the relatively dry weather and the higher temperatures which are needed to properly seal roofing tiles.

Fourth Quarter (October to December)—This is the right time for smaller remodel projects, like maybe a new shower or a minor tweak in your den or kitchen. Most people don’t want to completely tear out the whole house for a major renovation during the holidays, so construction companies are used to these types of smaller jobs.

There’s a perfect time for everything—from when to buy a new car to when to plant a flower garden. Remodels are no different and once you get the standard calendar down, you can begin to map out your renovations that will make the most sense for your home and budget.



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Top 10 Home Maintenance Tips for Winter

Winter is here and in some parts of the country the snow and ice have hit with a vengeance. Your home is taking the brunt of this assault in protecting you from the cold and elements.

In any climate, your house needs attentive maintenance; paying attention to those little issues and repairs will save you a lot of hassle and costly repairs later.

Here are the Top 10 winter maintenance tips for your home that you need to handle this season:

  1. Clean the gutters—Even if you don’t live somewhere with a lot of snow, you are still probably going to get increased rain this winter. Be sure to clean out your gutters early on so that the water does not get backed up and cause structural damage.
  2. Inspect the roof—While you are checking the gutters, also give the roof a good inspection. Look for any loose or missing roof tiles or shingles that could cause leaks during winter storms.
  3. Seal your doors and windows—If you want to save money on heating costs, be sure to apply/replace weather-stripping and sealant around all your doors and windows. This will help keep the cold air out and the hot air in.
  4. Check your pipes—The cold can bring on burst pipes, so this winter make sure to check all your pipes and wrap them with insulating tape. This will keep you from having to make costly plumbing repairs later.
  5. Prepare a winter emergency kit—You never know when bad weather will strike. Make sure that you have an emergency kit including candles and matches in case of a power failure. Also have a battery-powered radio, a supply of canned foods (and a manual can opener), and plenty of bottled water.
  6. Check the portable generator—If you own a portable generator, then you know that it can be a lifesaver during winter storms. Be sure to start it up and make sure that it is running smoothly and make any repairs that you may need. You don’t want to try to crank it up when a storm hits only to find out it’s not working.
  7. Trim your tree limbs—Winter storms can also bring external damage from falling trees and tree limbs. Walk through your property and clear out any limbs that are too close to the house or cars. Also, if you have older trees that may snap easily, you should consider having these removed before the storms take them out – and your house with them.
  8. Clean the chimney—If you have a fireplace, make sure that it is professionally cleaned to remove built-up soot and residue. This can be particularly dangerous to you and your family.
  9. Replace the smoke detectors’ batteries—About every three months, you should check your smoke detectors and replace the batteries so that they’re working properly.
  10. Reverse your fans—If you have a house with high ceilings, flip the directional switch on your ceiling fans. This will help to push warm air down and keep you warmer this winter.

If you take care of your house, then it will take good care of you. Be sure to complete these maintenance tasks early so that you don’t have to make major repairs later this winter.