Tag: Mom

Why Moms Love Living in Denver

Denver is a popular city that’s been growing steadily for about a decade. Ask any Denver mom, and they’re guaranteed to tell you it’s a great city for fun family activities, indoors or out.

But Denver’s also a great place for spoiling yourself and spending some “me time” to rejuvenate the body and spirit.  Here are some of the best spots in Denver for moms who need a little self-care this month:

  1. 5 Star Salt Caves — If you want a day spa experience unlike any other, then check out this man-made “salt” cave. The entire center surrounds the cave, which is made of Himalayan salt. Here, you can relax in a quiet environment and breathe in the salt-infused air – which is said to improve sinuses and breathing. In addition to salt therapy, the spa also features other traditional therapies such as saunas, massages, and footbaths.
  2. Upstairs Circus – Although this is better enjoyed with friends, it’s also a place you can come on your own to relax and get crafty. You can pay one fee for a variety of daily craft options and then design and craft all kinds of things including homemade jewelry and paintings as well as projects for the house such as key racks and serving trays.
  3. Movie Night – You don’t have to go see the latest blockbuster or yet another Disney cartoon. The Alamo Drafthouse in Littleton features special presentations of older movies in an unusual setting. One of their regular Signature Series features is an older, elegant movie such as Little Women or Sense & Sensibility, and you can skip the popcorn and enjoy high tea and biscuits or finger sandwiches. Or get the girls together for a night out dancing at the movies. Recent Dance Party nights have featured Brittney Spears and the Backstreet Boys for some flashback hits.
  4. BookBar – If you prefer a small, independent bookstore with real books rather than those big box stores or eBook readers, then you should check out this combination bookstore and wine bar. You can listen to a poetry reading, meet an author and get an autograph, or pick up a new book and curl up with a nice glass of wine.

Denver is a great city to explore and relax in. But for moms especially, it is filled with activities and opportunities that provide a break from the kids.




Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Moms & Self-Care: Taking Care of You This Month

Being a mom often means putting everyone else’s comfort and happiness ahead of your own. We’re always taking care of others even when we’re sick, missing out on opportunities because we can’t work it into the family calendar. In general, we run ourselves down when we don’t make time to stop and take a breather.

For February, I’d like to challenge all the moms out there to spend some time committing acts of self-care.

It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or grand. But here are some ways that you can do a little something for yourself and make February all about self-care.

  1. Get out of the house—At least once this month, you should find a sitter (or enlist your significant other to help out) and go out and do something that you like to do. Hang out with your best friends at the coffee shop and get caught up, with the condition that there is to be no “kid talk.” (You don’t want to just spend the time rehashing doctor’s appointments and report cards.)

If that isn’t your thing, just find a quiet corner of a park or library to curl up with a good book. But make sure that you go somewhere that you can be alone and uninterrupted by a hundred other demands.

  1. Change something—You will be amazed at how a new outfit or a different hairdo can make you feel like a new woman. Take part in some retail therapy and treat yourself to some new clothes or head down to the salon and get your trusted stylist to recommend something new. While you’re there, treat yourself to a full range of relaxation with a mani/pedi and a massage, if possible.
  2. Unleash your artistic side—Head out to your local art studio and get creative. Many of these now feature “Mom’s Night Out” type events and many of them also feature wine while you paint. (Score!) Just let yourself spend a few hours doing something relaxing without having your children yell “Mom” to bring you out of your peaceful state of mind.

The New Year has barely begun and many of us are already feeling like we need a recharge. Spend some time this month doing just that with some special moments of self-care. If you get into the habit of spending some time on yourself, then hopefully you can continue this trend throughout the year and save yourself from a serious case of burnout later on.

How Moms Can Celebrate “Be On Purpose Month”

As the New Year begins to unfold, many of us have put our resolutions into action because we are looking for a change in our lives. It seems as if January is that one month of the year when major changes are not only accepted but sought after.

We want to use this time to make our lives better and that’s where “Be On Purpose Month” comes in. There are several ways that you can celebrate this time of reaffirming your goal of finding your life’s purpose and how to achieve it.

Here are just a few ways that busy moms can celebrate this time and find their purpose.

  1. Journaling—One way to truly affirm your purpose and to reflect on your own life is by writing it down. Sure, if you’re a mom, you’re probably wondering when you could possibly find time to do that. But here’s something to try: after the kids have been put to bed and your daily work is done, just set five minutes aside to write about your day. This could be a summary of what has happened, but it should really try to focus on the positive things in your life, especially with an affirmation about how you will work towards your purpose the next day and the next.
  2. Determine Your Motivation—It isn’t enough to want a change. Instead, you must determine why you are trying to change. Finding your motivation isn’t just for actors. It’s for everybody. If you want to lose weight, one of the first things you would want to know is why you’re doing it. Do you really need to lose weight? Is it because you are starting to have health problems from obesity? Are you motivated to do this because you want to be healthier for your children? These are the questions that, when answered, will help make your goal more attainable. And it goes to the heart of any major change that you want to make in your life.
  3. No More Excuses—Another thing holding you back from finding your purpose is that so many of us make excuses. We say, “We would if we had the time,” or, “If we didn’t have so much work to do;” you know these excuses. But you should realize that lots of people have similar workloads and somehow accomplish their goals. If they can find the time, then so can you. And that also takes this into another area—you have a support network all around you if you know how to tap into it. All of us have other people who are searching for their purpose as well. They can help to give you the backing that you need in this endeavor.

This January, don’t just make a resolution that you will forget about in two weeks. Instead, begin a course of legitimate soul-searching and find your purpose in this life.




Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.