Why You Should Make Improving Your Credit Score a Priority

The importance of a good credit score can’t be overstated. Your credit score is one of the most important measures of your financial health, and one of the easiest ways to judge how responsibly you use credit. For one thing, a good credit score is essential for buying a home or getting a mortgage. That’s because lenders use your credit score to decide whether to lend you money and under what terms.

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Are You Ready to Be a Homeowner?

If you’ve been following the ups and downs of the house market in the last five years, you may be hesitant or uncertain about whether now is the time to purchase your first home. If you are wondering whether or not you are ready to be a homeowner right now, you are not alone. This is a large investment and not a decision to be taken lightly. However, homeownership is definitely worth the hassle and risk if you do happen to be ready. 

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What First Time Homebuyers Need to Know

The first time you go to buy a home, the process can be overwhelming and confusing. Not only do you need to have a thorough understanding of your own financial situation, and how it applies to purchasing and lending, but you need to have a decent handle on the real estate market and what is, or isn’t, needed to purchase the home you are hoping for and still get a good deal out of the arrangement.

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Top Tips for Buying a Home This Year

Top Tips for Buying a Home This Year

Each year the real estate market looks a bit different. In 2021, it appears that home inventory is still low and demand is high. That makes this year a seller’s market. So, if you have a home to sell – good news – you’re in demand! However, if you are looking to buy a home this year, things will be a bit tougher. Don’t give up on your home buying dream! There are still ways you can set yourself up for success this year.

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