Denver Parks to Visit Before Winter Hits

As summer starts to fade into fall, many of us in Colorado are already thinking about battening down the hatches to stay warm and cozy this winter. Part of that is trying to enjoy the natural beauty of the region before it gets too cold to venture outside. Another big part is enjoying the outdoors before we have to deal with a few months of cabin fever.

Here, then, is a rundown of the top parks in Denver for you and your family to check out before the winter hits:


  1. Alamo Placita Park — This park is maintained by the team at the Denver Parks and Recreation bureau and their hard work shows clearly in the beautifully landscaped terrain. If you can make it before October, you will enjoy beautiful gardens that are regularly cared for and will be a great location for a picnic or just a stroll amongst the flowers.


  1. Barnum Park — This park is named for former Denver resident and world-famous circus owner Phineas T. Barnum. Although Barnum originally planned to keep some of his circus animals here during winter months, that plan never worked out and the property is now a public park with a hilltop view of the Denver skyline. You can also enjoy spending time walking through trails, along the reservoir, or playing with your pooch at the park’s designated dog area.


  1. Confluence Park — The word “confluence” means the place where two bodies of water come together and that’s exactly what happens at this intersection of the South Platte River with Cherry Creek. You can enjoy a baseball or soccer game, walk with your dog, or bike around the creek. While the weather still holds up, this is also a great place to rent a kayak for a day on the water.


  1. Sloan’s Lake Park — While this is a really great choice for outdoor activities in the summer, you can still enjoy the park in the fall. This is one of those great places to get in the car, roll down the windows (or put the top down) and go for a leisurely drive around the lake to enjoy the view of the area.


  1. Denver Botanic Gardens — Here’s another great choice if you want someplace with beautiful flowers and other foliage. It’s not just great for a picnic or a stroll, but also boasts a bistro that provides takeout. Although entrance to the park is limited thanks to COVID-19, you can still get access by reserving a ticket to this natural beauty.


Denver is known for its beautiful outdoor vistas throughout the year. But those of us who are locals know that it may not be practical to venture out too much in the wintertime. With that said, these are the best locations to check out before the snow falls.


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The Best Way to Unpack When Moving into Your New Home

There’s only one thing worse than having to pack up your house for a move and that’s getting to your new house and being faced with stacks of unopened boxes. But don’t worry about that—there’s actually a way to get yourself organized so that the process won’t be as bad as you imagine.

Here are steps you need to take so you don’t end up finding unopened boxes months after your move:

  1. Organize Before Your Move — The first thing you need to do is get organized before you even move. When you pack up your house, be sure to label every box. It should include the room (kitchen, master bedroom, guest bathroom, etc.), the number of the box (Box 5 out of 6), and whether or not the items are essential. This last one is important. Prioritize what boxes you know need to be opened and unpacked immediately so you have a starting point when you arrive.
  2. Clean Your New House — Before you get started unpacking, clean everything in your new house. Once you unpack everything, it will be harder to get down into the nooks and crannies and get things cleaned up. Also, do anything you would like to start off with like lining your cabinets and cupboards for easier clean up later.
  3. Open the Priority Boxes — Before you tackle specific rooms, make sure that you open up those boxes you deemed as essentials. This should include anything that you know you will absolutely, positively have to have in the first day or two. Then, you can move on room-by-room.
  4. Start in the Kitchen — You’ll hear a lot of different debates about which area you need to start with. We believe the best bet is the kitchen. Let’s face it—you can live out of boxes for a day or two, even going so far as to sleep on the floor in sleeping bags if you have to. But at some point, you’ve got to eat so having that kitchen unpacked is your best bet. Chances are, this is also your biggest challenge since you will have so many boxes filled with heavy items and appliances. Get these items in place and (most importantly) get that coffee maker going so you can have the energy to conquer the rest!
  5. Move on to the Bedroom and Bathroom — Next, you need to move to your master bedroom and bathroom. Get the bed assembled and in place and then arrange your other furniture. (One big tip for getting clothes unpacked easily is to leave them in the drawers when you move. Just put plastic wrap around the drawers with the clothes inside and then you don’t have to use boxes or unpack them when you arrive.)
  6. Other General Tips — There are a few things that will help you out with this process. If you have kids that are old enough, have them unpack their own bedrooms and bathrooms. This will give them a sense of ownership of the new place. Also, save the utility rooms like laundry and the garage for last. These will be important but not right away.

Once you’ve got the essentials unpacked and set up, take a break. You don’t have to have this all done in one day (or even one weekend). No, you don’t want to leave it for months, but enjoy yourself and your new home before you tackle your other boxes.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Exploring Denver’s Trails While Leaving No Trace

Many of us intentionally moved to the Denver, Colorado, area because of the natural beauty that is so readily available. But, if we aren’t careful, this beauty may not be here much longer.

With so many people heading outdoors after being cooped up because of COVID-19, the increased traffic is starting to take its toll on Denver’s hiking trails and natural parks. We don’t blame people for wanting to get out and enjoy the beauty of nature. But there are some things that people need to remember to protect those trails.

Keep these in mind when enjoying Denver’s natural parks and hiking trails:

  1. Stay on the Path — The trails have been created to provide you with a safe path to follow through the landscape. If you decide to walk off the trail, you will be destroying plants and animal habitats. The easy way to leave no trace is to stay on the trail. If you come across mud or a large puddle in the path, walk through it. Even stepping around can cause the path to widen over time and destroy a small portion of the natural habitat.


  1. Don’t Bother the Animals — One of the best parts of exploring these trails is the chance to see wildlife. Now, we know most people aren’t crazy enough to try to bother a wild bear, mountain lion, or rattlesnake. But we are talking about the “cute” animals that are out there. This is not a petting zoo. If you see baby animals, know that they haven’t been abandoned by their mothers. The full-grown ones are nearby, and if you bother the babies, they may either defend them or they will abandon them. Just look and take pictures.


  1. And, Don’t Mess with the Plants — Yes, there is some gorgeous foliage in these areas. But leave them alone so that others can enjoy them. You may come across some beautiful mountain flowers. Hold back on your instinct to pick them. Let them grow naturally and, if you have to have a physical memento, take a picture.


  1. Pack It In, Pack It Out — If you bring something on the trail with you, make sure you take it back out when you are done. This means everything from food wrappers and bottles to food scraps. Yes, fruit rinds and banana peels are biodegradable. But you should take these with you as well. Also, if you see any trash along the trail, be considerate and pick it up.

There’s an old saying amongst hikers: “Take nothing but memories. Leave nothing but footprints.” If you want to help keep our natural hiking trails lasting for years to come in the Denver area, it is imperative that you follow these rules to maintain the beauty of the area.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Hosting Your Own Outdoor Movie Night

Summer has always been when the best blockbuster movie hits would come to a theater near you. Escape the heat and watch superheroes or villains on screen, what else could be better, right?  Especially when you’re looking for activities to do with your family.

This summer, everything is just a bit different. Seeing movies in a theater is no exception. But what’s the next best thing? Seeing a movie in your own backyard!

This is a great way to enjoy the weather and get out of the house. It’s a fun activity for the family to enjoy and if you’re careful about social distancing, you could invite a friend or two over.

So, what is needed to have a backyard movie night? Here are a few things to consider:

Equipment – You will need special equipment to accomplish a fun night out watching movies. First, you’ll want a projector. These come in a variety of quality and prices with the cheapest being around $100.

Next, you’ll need a screen to show the movie on. You can find different types just for this purpose online. Some are inflatable while others have poles to put together similar to a tent. These range in price as well with the cheapest being about $100. Depending on your backyard arrangement, you might get away with a sheet draped over a wall or the fencing or use the wall/fencing itself.

You’ll want to be able to hear the movie and that means you need speakers. You can find a variety of loud outdoor speakers online. Some are even waterproof. Prices range from over $100 to much more than that.

Comfort Items – Since this is your home and you want to enjoy it comfortably, you want to think about what you have on hand to help minimize cost. You can use towels or beach/lawn blankets for sitting on the lawn. If getting up and down from the ground is not your style, you could consider an outdoor lounger or use an existing camping chair.

It’s not the movies without popcorn and something fun to drink. So you may want to stock up on popcorn and popcorn boxes as well as your favorite soda or fruit drink. Having a cooler outside with ice will keep you from having to keep going inside to refill empty cups.

Summer Movie Fun at Home Is Possible

Having a fun time with your family is possible this summer. You’ll always remember watching movies with your kids making memories together.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Working Remotely? Creating Your Home Workspace

This has been the year of working from home. For some, this is a fabulous turn of events, and for others, they can’t wait to get back to the office and share gossip around the watercooler.

If you find that you aren’t loving working from home, or perhaps you feel you’re less productive, it very likely could be due to your workspace. Home, by its very definition, is not your workplace, however, it now needs to function that way in some small way.

You can create an office vibe in your home, for not much money, and organize it to increase your productivity. Here’s how:

Plan Out Your Space – There’s a LOT you can do in your home to create a very organized, efficient workspace so you need to identify what’s important for you and what you need to do. If you previously worked in an office, you can begin by listing items you had there. What did you need and what was not necessary?

Next, what would you LIKE to have in your office? You can make it very warm and intimate since it’s your house. Or, if you feel like the rest of your home functions as the warm and inviting atmosphere and you want your work area to be all about getting things done, you can try a minimalist approach. Whatever you choose, write it out ahead of time.

Look at Your Workspace from the View of Your Webcam – Most everyone who works from home needs to have video calls and conferences from time to time. As you set up your workplace, keep in mind the backdrop.

Create a Space You Love but Declutter – This is your place to work and no one can tell you exactly how to create it. You have creative license here. That said, you will want to declutter the areas around your workstation. If every time you log into your emails you look over and see piles of mail that need to be dealt with or tons of books you intend you read but don’t have a place for, you will feel as though you are behind before you even begin.

Organize and File – This will be so important. You may be tempted to just lay something aside and come back to it later, but these are the thoughts of those who end up on the show HOARDERS. I’m only slightly kidding. Seriously, if you want to be more productive and to keep your mood high during the whole workday, being able to find things right away while not staring at clutter will ensure better days and well-rested nights.

These are the big steps to take to make a workspace you’ll love in your home. In no time, you’ll be more productive and look forward to “going to work” each day!


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

The Best Backyard Renovation Tips for Summer Living

If your home is your castle, then your backyard is more like your proverbial “fortress of solitude.” This is the place you can kick back, relax with your family and friends, and escape from the stresses of the world by enjoying the sun and nature. But a great backyard requires upkeep and occasional renovations to help it stay fresh and new.

Here are a few ideas on how you can spruce up your backyard for better summer living:

  1. Porch — The centerpiece of your backyard haven should be a luxurious porch or patio. Some of the best options for this would include screening in a large porch and including ceiling fans for those hot summer days. But you can also liven up your porch with new outdoor furniture. This will help you to have a space to entertain when friends visit.


  1. Outdoor Kitchen (and Bar) — Part of the fun of spending time outside is grilling out with friends and family. But if you want to take your outdoor cooking game to the next level, you should seriously consider adding an outdoor kitchen. This is more than a grill—it includes a mini-fridge, sink, grill, and oven/stove. If you like your adult libations, you can also add a beer tap and a stocked bar for your partying evenings.


  1. Fire Feature — Even though the weather is warmer, you can still enjoy a nice outdoor fire on a summer night. Consider adding a fire feature. This fire pit can be something permanent that is actually part of the landscaping or it can be a portable fire feature that you can move around like part of the furniture. Either way, get the fire started and break out the s’mores for a cool evening with the kids (or just acting like kids).


  1. Arbor/Pergola — If you’ve ever seen those beautiful, vine-covered arches in formal gardens, then you know how great they can look. If you want to put one into your own back yard, then you can either buy one at a local hardware store or have it built to suit. One thing that you will want, however, is an arch with at least 8 to 8.5 feet of space underneath. This way, when the flowers and vines begin to grow in, you will still have ample space to walk underneath.

A backyard can be your own little paradise away from all of the hustle and bustle of the world. If you are looking to add some nice touches to yours, consider adding one of these four suggestions to your yard’s mix.


Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

When’s the Right Time to Sell Your Home?

There’s an old adage that the three most important words in real estate are “Location, location, location.” But maybe it’s time to add a fourth one to that mix—time. As in, when is the best time to try to sell your home? There are many different currents of thought that suggest the best time of year to list your house.

Here are aspects you need to consider for your specific house and market before making the decision on  when to sell your home:

Spring is Generally Best

The standard has generally been that spring is the best time to sell your home. During this time of year, people are out and more active now that the weather is getting warmer. As a result, you have more traffic going by to notice your house is for sale. Also, the weather is generally better which means it is easier to move. All of this adds up to a good combination which often leads to more sales. If you plan to put your home on the market during the spring, then it is a good idea to do repairs and touch-ups during the fall and winter to have it ready for the sales season.

Spring May Not Be Best

OK, you’re probably saying, isn’t this the exact opposite of what you just said. Yes, it is, but bear with me. Spring is usually packed with lots of people trying to sell their homes. Yes, you will get more foot traffic viewing your home, but you will also have A LOT of competition from other homeowners who are also following the old spring standard. Some studies have found that you may get more for your home if you try to sell in the winter (from November to March). This is because there are fewer homes on the market and those who are desperate to move don’t have a lot of negotiating room.

What About Summer and Fall?

Generally speaking, these have been slower times of the year for house sales. Depending on the weather in your area, summer is often too hot for people to want to get out and walk around properties. Also, people have other things going on like vacations and summer family activities. Similarly, fall is usually taken over by back-to-school activities. When you couple this with the sun going down earlier and the weather being rainy, then you can see why people don’t tend to go out to house shop during this time of year.

There are lots of different ideas as to when is the best time to sell your home. Ultimately, you need to find the date that works best with your market and your needs. Talk to your real estate agent to find the time that is perfect for you.



Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Checking out Denver’s Art Scene: The Districts You Need to Know

For years now, if you wanted to enjoy the natural beauty of the Colorado landscape, you had state parks and national forests that were designated as areas you could visit. But in 2011, Colorado’s government began to also designate areas as “art districts.” These are officially designated areas that are known for their creative output—be it visual arts such as painting or sculpture or other imaginative arts such as theater and culinary arts.

If you’re interested in checking out the top art districts in the Denver area, then here are the best for you to visit:

  • Art District on Santa Fe—This area was the first to be designated and it is still the artistic center of the city and a great place to start. This area is known for its visual art galleries and studios that include painters, sculptors, and photographers. On the first and third Fridays of each month, the area hosts a special event. First Friday has an art walk that lets you see installations and studio work throughout the area. But the third Friday features Collector Preview Events, which is a smaller version of the First Friday event. Here, you can meet with the artists and gallery owners and find out more about their work and process.


  • Golden Triangle Creative District—This is another wonderful alternative for those of you that want to spend more time checking out large collections. That’s because this art district features eight museums, including the Denver Art Museum, the Kirkland Museum of Fine and Decorative Art, the Clyfford Still Museum, and The Center for Colorado Women’s History at the Molly Brown House Museum. Many of these also feature free admission from 6-9 PM on the last Friday of the month. And, where there are art galleries and studios, you can also bet there will be quality eclectic restaurants and cafes.


  • RiNo Art District—The RiNo Art District is one of the newest and hippest districts in the Denver area. It pulls its artistic strength from four different areas—Cole, Elyria/Swansea, Five Points, and Globeville. This area is known for CRUSH Walls, a regular event that helps unite the districts with artistic expression. RiNo is known for its contemporary art in the form of wall murals which mixes graffiti art with more traditional forms.

If you live in Denver or are coming in for a visit, then these three districts are the perfect place to satisfy your artistic cravings. The areas are also thriving districts of restaurants and shops, as well as studios and galleries, making them the best destination for you and your family.



Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.

Fourth of July Family Traditions

We are huge fans of family traditions and one of our favorite holidays to celebrate traditions is on the way—the Fourth of July. We also love hearing about other families and their customs. But it’s also really easy to let your Independence Day celebrations begin with a cookout and end with fireworks.

If you’re interested in finding new ways to celebrate our country’s 244th birthday, here are great ideas you can use to start your own Fourth of July family tradition:

  • Outdoor Games—Sure, we all know about how everyone loves to grill outside and eat hot dogs, hamburgers, and other July 4th But while you are manning the grill, the rest of the family can enjoy some time outside by playing outdoor games. Badminton, horseshoes, and cornhole are all great games that young and old can enjoy together.


  • Non-Explosive Fireworks—If you live in a state that bans fireworks, or if you have little kids and are worried about their safety, then you can make “non-explosive” options. One way is to let the kids make “sparklers” by tying red, white, and blue ribbons to a stick and then running around swirling these behind them. You can also fill a balloon with patriotic colored confetti and then pop these to let the confetti fall over everyone. Finally, if you just want to light up the night sky, you can always go on a firefly hunt. Once you catch them, place them in a jar with holes in the lid and let them be a natural night light.


  • Watch a Patriotic Movie—How about a family tradition that is both fun and educational? If you’ve never seen 1776, then you are in for a treat. This film from 1972 stars William Daniels (better known as Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World) as John Adams. It’s a highly accurate depiction of the signing of the Declaration of Independence with one big difference—it’s a musical. This is the perfect option for younger kids as it’s a G-Rated film. If you’ve got older kids, however, you might want to check out Disney Plus which is set to debut the original cast of Hamilton just in time for the 4th.



This Fourth of July you can create memories that will last a lifetime for you and your family. These are some great ways to build traditions with your family that can be carried out for years (and even generations) to come.



Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.
Ideas for Celebrating National Get Outdoors Day While Social Distancing

Ideas for Celebrating National Get Outdoors Day While Social Distancing

In Colorado, we are used to being kept indoors by inclement weather. But the temperatures are rising and the days are getting sunnier and many of us are still stuck inside thanks to COVID-19.

The lockdown has already canceled or postponed many activities, events, and festivals. But one that you can still celebrate is National Get Outdoors Day. At a time when many of us are eager to get outdoors and enjoy the warm weather, it is still important to modify this celebration with some simple changes thanks to social distancing guidelines.

What is National Get Outdoors Day?

June is already designated as National Great Outdoors Month, encouraging people to explore the wildlife refuges and parks in the U.S. to appreciate the natural beauty around us. Since 2008, Colorado has gone a step further with Get Outdoors Colorado Day.

This event is held on the second Saturday of June and is a free, family-friendly event meant to promote access to safe outdoor spaces and nature exploration. Generally, activities have included biking, boating, climbing, fishing, hiking, and swimming. Although the COVID-19 lockdown is definitely going to put a damper on the event, it is not going to completely end it.

Outdoor Social Distancing Guidelines

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there are 3 major guidelines that would affect Get Outdoors Colorado Day. First, the CDC encourages you, when in public, to stay at least 6 feet from other people. They also stress not gathering in groups and staying away from mass gatherings and crowded places. Ultimately, this means that you don’t want to be in close contact with anyone outside of your family or household.

How to Get Outdoors While Staying Safe

Just because you have to practice social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the great outdoors. First, you can enjoy the outdoors just by going into your backyard and doing a little gardening. But if you do want to venture outside into parks and wildlife preserves, there are still several activities you can take part in while social distancing.

Boating and kayaking can easily be enjoyed while maintaining a safe distance from other people. Fishing has long been a more solitary activity as too many people in one area can scare off the fish. Or, if you want, just go for a hike in the woods and make sure that you steer clear of other hikers by at least six feet. As long as you aren’t clumped up in one area, you will still be following the CDC guidelines.

Just because you have to practice social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Get Outdoors Day. This annual event is the perfect opportunity to shake off that cabin fever and get some fresh air while still staying safe.



Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, or building your dream home, I’m here to help you explore the many financing options available. Ensuring that you make the right choice for you and your family is my ultimate goal. I am committed to providing my customers with mortgage services that exceed their expectations. Find out more by visiting my website.