Tag: homeowner

The Summer Care Guide for Your Lawn

Part of becoming a homeowner usually means that you are purchasing a lawn that needs regular care. Not all new homeowners are equipped with the knowledge it takes to care for their grass. For all our first-time homebuyers or new lawn caretakers, here is our best advice for caring for your lawn this summer.

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Starting Your Own Herb Garden

Starting Your Own Herb Garden

Herbs are a great way to get started with gardening for those with an interest but no experience. The added benefit is that herbs can be used in the kitchen and dried for longevity. There are a lot of options when it comes to herbs and having a mini-garden in your yard including the fact that they look and smell great!

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Bringing Simplicity Back with Japandi Design

When it comes to home decoration, the rise of IKEA has also lead to the popularity of classic and simple design concepts that come from Scandinavia. If you pay attention to interior design trends, the Japanese have a pretty classic and simple style as well. What happens when you combine these minimalist designs together? You get Japandi – a design trend that seems to be growing in popularity right now.

What are the elements of Japandi design?

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The Best Plants for Decorating

If you are looking for new ways to freshen up your home this year, consider adding houseplants. Struggling with home decor and interior design? Make greenery the central part of your decorating strategy. Everyone loves the look, smell, and feel of a houseplant. Plus, plants have a lot of additional benefits other than just being eye candy for you and your guests.

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Getting Organized This Year

New year, new you? Well, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take advantage of the energies of the new year by getting organized. What better way to get a fresh start than by tidying up your home and office space? Here are some ideas that you can tackle to freshen up your work and living areas this year.

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